
How to excel in Job hunting and get the Job you deserve?

I interact with a lot of job aspirants every day and I hear the same phrase again and again

-” The Job market is dull and there are no Jobs”

– “Trump is the reason behind dumping my life and hopes”

-” I have applied to 150 odd Jobs, sent my resume to 88 odd companies and scored only 1 interview”

-“There is no scope for fresher’s in the industry ”

-“I should quit looking for Corporate Jobs rather apply for PSU/Banks”

To an extent, I feel that reasons for not getting a converted call have been exaggerated.

The hiring system might be broken, the share market might have fallen but can you wait till everything falls in the right place and impede your “Job Hunting”?


The standard hiring method takes application tracking system, keyword algorithms, online application forms into consideration. it’s a long screening process and a lot of applicants apply through the same method.

Can you wait until your application pops up of 10000 odd resumes and the hiring manager has 1 odd second to read your resume and proceed to the next one?


How to overcome these challenges and show up as a potential candidate?

1) Stop Begging – “I have to impress these people, plead and agree whatever it takes to get a job.”


Start Solving – Employers are no demi-God and they are there to hire because they have a problem. Be the solution to the problem and do your sales pitch. “I have to solve the problem the employer is facing whether I get the job or not.”


2) Stop Sending Resumes in Outdated Format -A lot of candidates apply to 112 odd jobs but they hear nothing from the employers. Why ? Your resume is 3-4 page, outdated, inconsistent, incongruent and it doesn’t quantify your skills.


Start working on your resume – Work on your resume or get a resume consultant to work on your resume.


3) Stop Sending the Cover letter as an attachment – Nobody has time to open an additional attachment to your resume. Something additional is always a waste of time.


Start writing Email friendly Cover letters -Write your cover letter,
pain points, solutions, stories in the email body. Follow the storytelling methods – what- why – how to tell your stories. None wants to read a boring data but people will listen to your story. So write your story.


4) Stop Sending resumes everywhere – You can’t expect to get a call if you send your resume to Department of the Library when you are applying for the role of Finance Analyst.


Start sending your resume to the right direction – The direction is always important than speed. Your resume should reach the concerned person or the department.


5) Stop applying to all the firms in the area-The biggest mistake candidates do is to apply everywhere and to all the companies in the geography. it scatters your focus and ends you up nowhere.


Start making a list of target employers – Make a list of firms as per your skill sets. Brand yourself expert in any area ( SQL, SAS, Payroll, SAP ) and apply to the relevant roles where you will stand out from the rest


The moment you reached a frustration point and feel that nothing is working for you, you need to introspect your job search. You should ditch the traditional mindset and adopt new approaches.

End of the day – Everybody has a problem, you should be at the right time, right place, right person to solve the “Problem”

#Gethired is the most trusted professional network which helps Job seekers in 3 ways –

1.      Informing Job seekers the Job they Deserve

2.     Prospecting Job seekers in the right direction of employers

3.     Consulting job seekers in order to get the job they deserve

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